
Do not miss the ODTUG free Webinar: Understanding Explain Plans

Tuesday, June 7, 2011 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM EST

Understanding Explain Plans
Dan Hotka, www.DanHotka.com
This presentation is a must-see for anyone doing SQL tuning. Dan has a thorough understanding of how the Cost-Based Optimizer works and shares that knowledge in this presentation.
Dan covers:
  • Useful Explain Plan tools and scripts
  • Understanding Oracle Explain Plan
  • How the CBO makes its decisions
  • Query Transformations
  • How tables are processed/joined
  • How indexes are processed
  • Explain Plan line Items
This is a live-demo presentation. Dan shows how to work with Explain Plans then goes into considerable detail about exactly how Oracle arrives at an Explain Plan. Dan is an experienced trainer with considerable knowledge on this topic. The attendee will gain valuable insights as to how Oracle processes SQL and many tips on how to improve SQL performance.
Register Here


TIOBE Programming Community Index for May 2011

PL/SQL in 21st in TIOBE Index for May 2011.
It's was in 14th place in May 2008 and 24th last month.

APEX 4.1 Early Adopter disponível para testar

Encontra-se disponível para testar on-line a versão Oracle Application Express 4.1 Early Adopter em http://tryapexnow.com/

Já no passado eu tinha postado sobre algumas das features que iriam aparecer na versão 4.1
A lista das novas "features" (actualmente implementadas) pode ser encontrada aqui.

As mais importantes a meu ver são: novo controlo para tratamento de erros (Patric Wolf explica em duas partes: aqui e aqui) que permite passar o log de erros para uma função do utilizador; suporte de todos os tipos de validacao nos Tabular Forms; possibilitar a criaação plug-in para autorização (explicado aqui).


SQL Navigator 6.5 released

Quest released a new version of SQL Navigator. Mainly it corrects bugs and some new features (like the filter in the history and the join of the 6.3 DB filter with the 6.4 version).

Check the Release Notes and the Known Issues List.

As Vidas Dos Outros

Ontem no rádio ouvi pela primeira vez esta música.
Gostei bastante do ritmo e da letra e no final já estava a cantarolar o refrão.